Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tight skin during dance practice?

today was the first day of dance for the musical and I noticed the skin on my thumbs was red and swollen and when I pressed down it tingled a little, and the same with my other fingers but less obvious. I ran them under warm water and held them over my head but nothing helped. They still feel enflamed and sort of hot.

The only thing different is that I used the schools soap to wash my hands once, but that was about 11:00 and it didn't start until 2:30. I haven't eaten anything different, so I don't know.

What is causing this? Is it normal? How can I prevent it? Thanks!

Tight skin during dance practice?
hand swelling during exercise is actually really common due to more blood flow in the hands (and the rest of the body). There's not really anything you can do to prevent the swellling, but applying lotion after practice or soaking them in warm water seems to help mine. Just be sure to remove your jewelry before to reduce discomfort.

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