Thursday, May 7, 2009

I still have a feeling of my skin being tight like a divers wet suit two sizes to small. Any ideas?

I have Restless Legs Syndrome, Diabetes, Sinusitis, Herniated Disk (L-5), Tinitus, Arthritis (hands), Acid Reflux. I take a pharmacy full of medications every day and still have this feeling of my skin being too tight. It does not always coincide with swelling, water retention or bloating. Hands and feet tingle and some times are numb and useless. Have family members with both Fibromyalgia and Sjorensons, but Doctors say that is not my problem. Any ideas?

I still have a feeling of my skin being tight like a divers wet suit two sizes to small. Any ideas?
I am unclear as to what the doctors say is not your problem? is that fibormyalgia or Sjorensons or both? Fibromyalgia has been considered as a possbility to run in families. However, if the determinations of tender spots and other classic symptoms were not present for fibro, then most likely you may not have it. If you do have fibro, tightness of skin can be common which usually is related to dryness of skin (moisturizing lotions at least 2 times a day seems to resolve it - several trials of different lotions to find one that suits you specifically is recommended) and yes the answer of neuropathy can be common in fibro. Numbness and "uselessness" occurs. Determination should be done by a professional to specify if it is circulation or nerve to ensure there is not a more serious nature going on. Not all doctors are good listeners. It is OK to ask why they think it is not a specified problem when you pose it. A good patient is one who takes there own care in their hands and do not wholly rely on the doctor to be paying attention, which means to know when you should have blood work or certain tests. The definition of a sympton is not one a doctor thinks you are feeling, but one you tell a doctor (former medical field). The herniated discs in the L5 usually affects lower extremities and abdominal regions when it gets pinched. You can realistically have fibro in conjunction wiht the rest of your issues because those conditions can onset fibro. I would recommend a consult with a vascular and/or neuro specialist to determinime the source of your numbness which can give that tight feeling. Many States mandate the right to a 2nd opinion on health insurance. If it is neuropathy, see if Neurontin will interefere with your existing medications. Neurontin helps this condition and sometimes the side effect is mood elevation. Also, if you are on a load of medication, it is important to know when you should take some together vs. when you should not take them together and also specified times of day. Some medications don't work as effectively together as opoosed to delaying an hour or more after taking one other kind. Time of day is critical too. some work more effectively when taken for bed time vs. morning. It is a chemical balancing act and taking them at wrong times can also create certain unexpected side effect symptoms. don't forget, some medications require MONTHLY blood work to make sure it is not causing more harm than good. Consult a well-trained pharmacist or a person with a degree in physiobiology to assist you with medication organization. Some geriatric specialist doctors are well-trained in this too because elderly are classic for many overlapping illnesses with many medications. It can do wonders on just changing out the organization on pill taking. Good Luck and much prayers
Reply:maybe get a differant size suit you think??
Reply:Since you have diabetes, my thought is Peripheral Neuropathy. It's very common in diabetes, particularly those who do not control their blood sugar levels well, and causes permanent nerve damage. It starts usually in the hands and feet and numbness or tingling. I would ask your doctor about that and see if he'll do a nerve conduction test to see if your nerves in your extremities are damaged.
Reply:sorry for such crappy situation

i have no idea how you feel but sometimes when i don't put lotion on my face it feels tight and stiff. so maybe lotion or using baby oil in the shower. i really don't have a clue but its just an idea. hopefully that helps a little bit. Good luck
Reply:You have a systemic disease which has no clear pathology. I would say the diabetes has little to do with the rest of your symptoms. The rest fits under the the syndrome Fibromyalgia which is usually a severe case of neurosis. The herniated disc at L-5 could be caused by chronic muscle spasm, which can cause restless leg syndrome if muscles around nerves in the lower back are constricted. I believe you can still get mechanical problems like this from a serious neurosis but it's just as likely a structural problem like flat feet or hyperflexability. I think your skin creepy crawlies are caused by your medication interactions. You should quit everything except your insulin. To eliminate the other symptoms you should try gaging yourself so you convulse, you may as well do it the next time your acid reflux comes on, and have a good puke. The area of your back that is giving you greif is directly connected to your sex organs, it could be blocking your energy from travelling into the upper parts of your body, therefore it's difficult to experience a full body orgasm, so much tension builds up over time. the gaging is a supplemental orgasm. If you have not released this tension due to a physical block or a neurosis, you will develop a wide array of unexplained symptoms.
Reply:You may want to check and see if you have the Fibro.All of the symptoms sounds just like mine and I have Scleroderma.PJ
Reply:My first thought is neuropathy. Neuropathy can also be a symptom of fibromyalgia, and is treated with the same medication, neurotin.

Trust me you don't want a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Then you would be dealing with idiots who don't follow research and go around telling people its all in their heads.

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