Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why Do Women Wear Skin-Tight Pants If They Don't Want To Hear A Comment?

Why is it when hot women wear tight jeans or excercise pants that hike up their b*tt crack, they get upset if a guy says: "you look hot in those jeans" or "nice *ss!"? Are they not inviting comments by showing off their bodies in a provocative nature?

Why Do Women Wear Skin-Tight Pants If They Don't Want To Hear A Comment?
she wants to be noticed, but doesn't necessarily need you to make mention of what you see.
Reply:What's sad and disappointing is the fact that men would like to think or assume that women do this for their pleasure but understand this, what you stare at is hot and uncomfortable in warm weather, you do not see women "dressing sexy" in the winter do you? Report It

Reply:If they truly wanted to express their sexuality in your favor, they would do so all year round. What woman would want to be a trpohy wife? Its saddening when a man looks for someone only based on their physical attributes and nothing else. There is only one solution, KY and a magazine. Report It

Reply:No one has a right to make rude comments to strangers no matter what they're wearing. However, I don't know why someone would be angry about a compliment, provided it wasn't crude.
Reply:No we are not INVITING comments; women wear clothing for the same reason you wear your clothes, for comfort. We wear these clothing pieces to feel good for ourselves NOT TO LOOK GOOD FOR GUYS LIKE YOU.
Reply:Maybe they are poor and they have had them for many years and that is all they have to wear?
Reply:It may depend on how well you know the woman. If she's a friend, or a friend's girlfriend, or something like that, then she should take the compliment for what it is. If she doesn't, then it may be that what you said or how you said it was crude.

If she is a stranger, I suggest keeping it to an appreciative smile, wink, or even (maybe, but pushing it) a whistle.

Also, try saying "I hope you don't mind me saying so, but those jeans look awesome on you." Or something similiar. If you make it clear that you want to compliment her, I don't think any woman would turn that down. It also comes off more charming than "Nice a ss."

As for the why... Fashion. Seriously, next time your at WalMart, try finding a comfortable pair of jeans, or a decent length pair of shorts in the women's section. Its nearly impossible. And that's WALMART! The stores in malls and such are usually worse.
Reply:No, they do not expect or want vulgar comments from strangers, and apparently they don't come any stranger than you. Why do you feel it's okay to make them? You do not hyave the right to comment on a woman's body, no matter how hot you think you are. Stop behaving like a pig. Shut up.
Reply:that's just like when they wear barely there tops and expect people to look at their face.. its also rude for people to think they can make themselves in to objects adn then use uit for attentions pretending they dont like the attention...

sprint chick you cant tell me women wear spiked heels and tops they have to constantly adjust or else they'll fall out.....because its comfortable...that's a joke you wanna tie a shoelace around your nipples call it a top and say you wear it cuz its comfortable.... then expect some remarks
Reply:the soci/psych page says they just want attention. the selfassured girls dont dress like that they dont need to beg for attention.

Q: Do you feel "comfortable" with "strangers" staring (1 : to look fixedly often with wide-open eyes 2 : to show oneself conspicuously)?

Read "Reviving Ophelia." Moderation is the key control your dress. This is still a man's world.
Reply:I don't see the need for saying "Nice @$$" to anyone regardless of what they are wearing. If you honestly think a piece of clothing makes a woman look good you should tell her that the clothing flatters her, not that you have a fixation on butts. Saying anything about a woman's body is just out of line unless it's your boo and you say it where no one else can hear, thereby possibly embarrassing her.

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